Z7 Chilling at FBB While Others Bike

As the cleaning at the afternoon at the brewery finishes up, you decide to just stay they while the others go for the bike ride. You’ll seen them when they return. You step outside, a lingering smile on your face as the evening breeze brushed against your skin. But as you were about to head to grab an OMT, you hear a sudden commotion nearby.

Curious, you turn toward the source of the disturbance and see a small group of individuals in heated argument. Their raised voices and tense gestures pique your concern, but before you can fully assess the situation, a loud crash echoed through the air.

Your heart pounds as you rush to the scene, only to find that Zafra, who had been passionately discussing 3D printing with the group moments ago, now stands in the midst of the chaos, caught in the middle of the altercation. Without thinking, you instinctively move to protect your friend, trying to mediate the escalating tension.

But just as you attempt to intervene, a sudden flash of light blinds you momentarily. When your vision clears, you gasp, realizing that Zafra is no longer standing where they were. They vanished, leaving behind only traces of a mysterious energy that crackled in the air.

Confusion and fear grip the group, and you are left wondering what had happened to your friend. Was this some unexpected effect of Zafra’s tech knowledge or an unforeseen consequence of their discussions on 3D printing? The questions swirled in your mind, but before anyone could make sense of the situation, an enigmatic figure emerged from the shadows.

Tall and cloaked in darkness, the newcomer approaches the group, their face obscured by the dim light. Without uttering a word, they glance at you, their gaze lingering for a moment before they vanish just as mysteriously as Zafra had.

Silence envelopes the scene, and a sense of foreboding settles in. What just transpired, and where had both Zafra and the enigmatic figure disappeared to?

You now have even more questions? Is Zafra with the strange man? Is that what happened to Roy? You now have more questions than answers. With the disappearance of Zafra and the appearance of the mysterious figure, the afternoon has taken an unexpected turn into uncertainty and intrigue.

Stay Tuned for more!