Z5 Let the Sacred Cleaning Begin!

You listen intently as OMT takes you through each piece of brewing equipment, showing you how to clean and prepare them for the alchemical process. He hands you a soft cloth infused with a magical cleansing solution and instructs you on the gentle yet thorough motions required to cleanse the equipment.

“Every stroke should be deliberate and infused with respect,” OMT explains. “Our equipment is the vessel that carries the essence of the ingredients and the magic we weave into our brews. Treating them with care and reverence honors the art of brewing.”

Together, you and OMT clean the massive brew kettles, the enchanted fermentation vessels, and the mystical distillation apparatus. With each stroke of the cloth, you feel a connection to the brewing process, as if you are channeling your energy into every piece of equipment.

As you clean, OMT shares stories of legendary brewmasters who took pride in their cleaning rituals and the awe-inspiring results they achieved. He also emphasizes the importance of the magical herbs and solutions used for cleaning, ensuring that no impurities taint the final brew.

With the equipment sparkling and the cleansing ritual complete, OMT smiles, pleased with your dedication to the craft. “Remember, Al,” he says, “every great brewmaster begins with this ritual. It is the foundation upon which we build our magical creations.”

As you stand beside OMT, you already feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you have learned a crucial step in the brewing process. The cleansing ritual becomes a significant part of your brewing journey, reminding you of the sacredness of the craft and the harmonious balance between the mystical and the practical.

Now we must Choose the beer we want to make.