After September 30th plans & THANKS!!!

Hey all, As we approach the end of the 6-month beer share we want to take a moment to thank all of you for supporting our small brewery. It’s hard to believe that this is our 6th year of operations here at FBB and because of you, we are able to continue this labor of love. I also want to thank the “brew crew”; Jon (OMT), Zafra, Eric, Vic, Stan, Timbo, Aaron, Gabor who help make this magic happen with their contributions.

We recognize that 6 months goes pretty fast. Some of you have not been able to get all of your allotted beer…we get it…life is busy. We are going to continue to offer beer beyond September 30th, not only because we want you to get all your beer, but because we have some beer in the pipeline that we want to make sure you have the opportunity to try (it’s really good). That’s right…we haven’t stopped brewing…it’s just too much fun! We plan to be open every Wednesday and some Saturdays. Of course the emails will continue to remind you what’s on tap and the times you can pick up/pre-order beer.


“FBB, I’m not sure if I’ve take all my beer?” No problem…Send us and email and we will check the books and let you know where you stand.

“FBB, I’ve taken all my beer, can I still come and get more?” Absolutely! We will happily sell you growlers if you’ve taken all your beer shares. The cost will be $8-32oz and $16-64oz growlers.

“FBB, what about 2025?” We are currently planning another 6-month beer share from April 1-September 30 next year. If you are interested in continuing next year, please let us know and we will guarantee your share for another year. A reminder of this will come out later this Fall for those of you who have lost interest in this email because it’s way too long…

“FBB, I really don’t care about the beer but I love the Wednesday bike rides, will they continue?” OMG…Yes! We will ride bikes as long as Mother Nature allows us. If Dan and Rod are there, you better be also.
